Have you ever wondered if content marketing has evolved? Here are 3 ways this type of marketing has evolved over the years


You know how you have been using certain things and gadgets over the years and you are so used to them, you hardly keep track of the changes even though you know, clearly some changes have indeed been made. Well, the same thing happens with the marketing world, even if you are not truly involved in it, you certainly have noticed some subtle changes.

Since I want to make your life a bit easier, I want to show you which are the most visible changes the content marketing world has gone throughout the years. Believe me, whether a company is involved in the inbound marketing like cseo, or the outbound market, clear evolutions has been experimented.

First of all, you need to know, the changes have been done over a long period of time!

You may think content marketing is something that is probably around ten years of age but, this type of marketing has been around for almost a century! Don’t just think that marketing has always been limited to the online world and radio and T.V. as well!

Now, how did people resort to content marketing at the beginning? Remember how your grandparents have all those recipe books that are filled with recipes that are made with a specific product? Well, this was content marketing my friend.

One thing that is still intact, the goal of content marketing

Even though content marketing has changed, there is still one thing that has not, their goals. I mean, a company has a targeted audience. This is followed by creating content meant for this targeted audience and then, this will make them customers of your brand or service.

Now, nowadays content marketing is focusing on the online world and apps

You already know this; people are obsessed with the internet and their phones. So, did you really think content marketing was not going to use this to their advantage? Well, think again because this market has gone way deep in the internet and app world and great things and content has come from this.

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